Area Rug Cleaning Morganville NJ

Area rugs can add character and beauty to any room, but with the constant foot traffic, they can also collect dirt, allergens, and bacteria. Vacuuming alone won’t suffice to keep them clean and free of allergens. That’s why it’s important to have your area rugs professionally cleaned regularly. At PowerPro Carpet Cleaning of New Jersey, we offer a unique hot water extraction carpet cleaning technology to clean your area rugs. We call it “rug steam cleaning,” but we don’t really use steam to clean the rugs. Instead, hot water is used to extract all grime and stains without leaving any residue behind, so your rugs are left spotless and allergen-free.

Our area rug cleaning services are done with the utmost care and attention to detail. Our experts inspect your rugs for problem areas and apply an environmentally friendly cleaning solution to remove even the toughest particles. With our cutting-edge equipment, we scrub away dirt, debris, and grime, leaving your area rugs looking and smelling fresh. In addition, area rugs, like carpets and upholstered furniture, capture dirt, allergens, and bacteria, acting as air filters in your home. By having your area rugs professionally cleaned by PowerPro Carpet Cleaning of NJ, you can improve your home’s air quality and bring your rugs back to their former glory. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for our area rug cleaning services.

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